Monday, August 16, 2010

Water Mad Dash

Okay... have to share my "honor."  I joined a local meet-up group a couple weeks ago for a photowalk in North Charleston, South Carolina.  We started at Riverfront Park and then walked around the old closed Naval Base.  My goal was to capture more still life, geometric shapes, beauty in the rubble, that type of thing.  But... as is the case with me... I'm always drawn to watching the children playing with blissful abandon!  There was a water spout area, it was very hot, and children were having so much fun running through the water spouts as they shot up, I just couldn't resist.  For the above photo, I focused on the spot where I figured the little boy would come out at and then just waited with my finger on the trigger, ready to capture the shot.  The above is the resulting image.  I was just informed on Saturday it "won" the local pick of this photowalk and is being sent on to the national competition.  No money involved, but it still was an affirmation to me I'm on the right track in believing in myself and my ability to capture pictures that capture the story and that others "get it" too.  Thanks, Eugene, for picking my photo.  It meant a LOT to me.

1 comment:

  1. While my photo did NOT when the World Wide people's choice award (out of thousands of entries) I did win a book for being the local winner. Scott Kelby, photographer and author and sponsor of the World Wide Walk for photographers is providing his book on using Photoshop CS5 or Lightroom 3 to all local winners... so... yeah... I did win and I'm picking the CS5 book... actually using his CS4 book in a class I'm taking right now. Keep clicking away, I say, and thanks to all who did take the time to vote for my photo!
