Christmas is a time filled with so much wonder and joy. I got to "borrow" my friend's seven year old daughter to take to see our local Festival of Lights which is an amazing 3 miles of lights of all kinds. It is so much more fun to go with a child who looks at it all with such wonder and amazement. I had the best time with my seven year old friend... I think I should hang out with them a lot more often... they haven't yet started to take the world so seriously. I also still love to capture the expressions of children's faces when they go to visit Santa Claus. This year, since I didn't have a child handy, I decided to take my dog to see Santa. My dog, Bubba is almost 11 years old and some days we can tell his health is declining, but not on this day. He literally pranced down the hallway to Santa's bench and would have climbed right in his lap if Santa hadn't been worried about children with dog allergies sitting in his lap later. So, Bubba had to be content with sitting on a little stool at Santa's feet. I do believe he had a message he was intent on conveying to Santa and I do believe Santa got that message. See for yourself ..... Merry Christmas, everyone!